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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

#21 That's a big mango

I updated with pics and a video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtHgFaKqDas), check out below

I realized I'm not going to catch up on the posts from below and give you more details about them. I'm sorry. I'm constantly doing some sort of work for one of the million projects the Peace Corps has us working on, so just let your imagination take you past those bullet points.

Next week (Sun-Weds) we are going to visit a volunteer at their site and shadow them for those days. I'm going to northern Nicaragua to a town called Ocotal in Nueva Segovia. They say it's a bit colder up there, which I'm ecstatic about. There are also some mountains woo hooo... I like mountains :D

Tomorrow, Thursday at 7:45am I'm (co)teaching my first Entrepreneurship class at the local public school. I actually feel relatively comfortable with my material and speaking this whole Spanish thing in front of 40 high school seniors. No big deal. My spanish has been getting consistently better and I am now able to view the language as a sort of puzzle and while I talk I have to quickly put the pieces in the right places before the words leave my lips. It's turned into a fun game.

Look at the size of this Mango. I climbed the tree and picked it myself.

Also funny story. well two. Last night I spoke with my parents about religion and told them both my parents were Jewish and their eyes lit up and they became so happy because Jews are the chosen people and have a one way ticket to heaven. Or something like that, my Spanish is still on the fringe. But now I know a very easy conversation to have is just bring up religion and they bust out all the guns showing my passages from the bible and various biblical books. 
The other day at 4:25am a parade followed by a full marching band walked through my town and just marched around for a solid hour or so. no big deal. this place is loco. love it.


  1. Zac! Been reading and everything looks awesome dude...glad you're having such a good time and that you are learning so much. Pictures are ridiculous and the country is beautiful. You got an email i can email you at? Easiest way to communicate fo sho

  2. Mom & Lauren testing comments

  3. We love this blog Zac!
